Child DevelopmentWell-being

Negative Parenting Test

Are you worried that your parenting style may be too negative? Take this test to determine if you’re doing more harm than good. With just a few questions, we’ll help you assess whether or not your approach needs adjustment. Find out now if your parenting could use some positive reinforcement!

What Is The Negative Parenting Test?

The Negative Parenting Test, developed by Dr. John Philip Louis and his colleagues, is a 30-question test that examines whether you struggle with common damaging patterns as a parent. This test can help you understand your parenting style and the different types of negative parenting that may be influencing your current parenting approach. Taking the Negative Parenting Test can provide insight into how childhood experiences have impacted your behaviors and attitudes. Understanding this information can help make positive changes to ensure that you provide a healthy environment for your children and family.

Who Developed The Negative Parenting Test?

Three renowned experts developed the Negative Parenting Test in individual differences research: Dr. John Lois, Dr. Alex Wood, and Dr. George Lockwood. This test has been designed to help identify how your parents have treated you and whether or not there is a negative parenting style present. By answering a series of questions, this test can help you better understand the type of parenting style experienced and how it may affect your life. It is a valuable tool for those looking to make positive changes in their relationships with their parents.

How Does The Negative Parenting Test Work?

The test consists of 30 questions designed to evaluate a person’s parenting patterns and determine if they struggle with common negative parenting styles. The test is easy to use and can provide valuable insight into the individual’s upbringing and how it has shaped their current approach to parenting. By understanding the test results, individuals can make informed decisions about how they want to parent and how they can best support their children’s development.

Benefits of Taking the Negative Parenting Test

Taking the Negative Parenting Test can benefit those looking to understand their parenting styles better. By taking the test, individuals can better understand how their parents acted towards them and how this behavior impacted their lives. Furthermore, by analyzing the results, individuals can identify negative parenting patterns and take steps to improve their parenting style. Additionally, the test can help shed light on how certain forms of negative parenting may have affected the development and behavior of their children. The Negative Parenting Test can be a valuable tool for those looking to change their parenting style positively and build healthier family relationships.


Instructions for Taking the Negative Parenting Test

Taking the Negative Parenting Test is straightforward. All you need to do is answer the thirty questions about negative parenting. Make sure to answer all the questions honestly and accurately, as this will give you more accurate results. After answering, you will receive a score that can help you understand how negative your parenting style might be. You can then analyze your results to make positive changes in your parenting style.

Analyzing Results from the Negative Parenting Test

Analyzing the results from the Negative Parenting Test can help individuals who have experienced negative parenting gain insight into their current behavior and feelings. The test results can provide a snapshot of how you have been affected by your upbringing and how this affects your everyday life. It is vital to note that the test results are not absolute but a starting point for further exploration and understanding. Through careful analysis of the results, it is possible to understand how your upbringing has shaped you and how to move forward positively. By understanding what has shaped you, you can begin to make changes in your life that will be more beneficial for you.

What Are The Benefits of Taking The Negative Parenting Test?

Taking the Negative Parenting Test can benefit anyone struggling with the typical negative patterns that can arise from a damaging childhood. Through this test, individuals can better understand how their parents have acted towards them and how it has impacted their current life. It is very essential to be aware of the different types of negative parenting and how they can manifest in our lives. Taking the Negative Parenting Test can help to identify these issues and provide insight into how to improve self-image, reduce anxiety and depression, and become more confident. This test can also help individuals to identify strategies to change any negative parenting styles they may have inherited. By taking the Negative Parenting Test, individuals can gain valuable insight into their upbringing and begin to work towards creating a healthier future.

How to Interpret Your Results From The Negative Parenting Test

Interpreting the results of a negative parenting test can be tricky. It’s essential to remember that the scores you receive on the test may not be indicative of your parenting style and shouldn’t be taken as absolute truth. However, take the time to analyze your responses. You can gain valuable insight into how your parents have acted towards you and how their behavior has impacted your life. As you review your results, consider both the positive and negative parenting behaviors you have experienced from your parents and how they have affected you. This can give you an idea of what kind of parenting style is best for you and how to ensure your parenting style is effective.

What To Do If you show Negative Results?

If you have taken the Negative Parenting Test and identified a negative parenting style, it is essential to make positive changes. Several resources available can help you learn more about ways to change your parenting style. Additionally, it is beneficial to speak with a professional, such as a therapist or counselor, who can provide advice and assistance. With the proper support, it is possible to create positive changes in your parenting style, which can benefit you and your child.

How to Take The Negative Parenting Test

Taking the Negative Parenting Test is straightforward. All you need to do is answer the questions honestly and accurately. The test typically consists of 30 questions, which can be easily completed in just a few minutes. Once you have completed the test, you will be able to see your results and understand how your parenting style may have caused adverse effects in your life. To ensure accuracy, it is important to answer each question as honestly as possible. The Negative Parenting Test can provide valuable insight into how you were raised and help you make changes that can lead to a healthier and happier life.


The Negative Parenting Test can be invaluable for identifying potential issues and understanding how to address them. Taking the test and understanding the results can help parents recognize and change any damaging parenting patterns. By improving their parenting style, parents can help create a healthier, more favorable environment for their children. With a better understanding of their behavior, parents can also ensure their children receive the best possible care.

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